Get Lenawee located in Downtown Adrian is the most accurate source for business listings in Lenawee County.
Our list has been built in house by local people to ensure that local businesses are accurately verified so that they are represented properly and can reach their existing/potential audience. Users will be able to do the same in terms of finding local businesses that suit their specific needs.
There are 98,573 people living in Lenawee County, 6935 Businesses and 1800 of which are Employer Business Establishments in Lenawee County. (Source: US Census- 2015 County Business Patterns)
Our Hyper-Local Business Concept reaches out to local businesses and organizations to verify the accuracy of their listings but also allows the community to participate by reporting business location movement, inaccurate information or new businesses that are not yet indexed. Our combined efforts make this a much more effective way to ensure accuracy for businesses and consumers to connect.
Our Goal is to Get It Right! Get on Board and Get the Best Lenawee has to offer!